Answers to frequently asked questions:
What does a tax point value of 5.40 mean??
Tax point value
Name of the patient
Treatment period
(from... to...)
Charged tax point value
(with cases of social security Fr. 3,10, with private patients to max. Fr. 5.40)
Treatments rendered:
- number and tax point code with a short explanation
- number of services per tax point code
- number of charged tax points
The dentists’ scale of charges covers over 500 individual procedures. Each procedure is assigned a certain number of tax points. This tax point is multiplied by the rate of charge – the tax point value - which determines the price of an individual procedure.
The tax point value does not have a lower limit but for members of the Swiss Dentists Association SSO, the tax point value is not allowed to be above Fr. 5.40.
This tax point system for private patients allows the dentist to take into consideration the patient’s special circumstances, e.g. urgency, requirements for comfort, aesthetics, quality. Other factors that are considered by the dentists office when setting the tax point value are the infrastructure costs, salary costs, etc.
Calculation of the costs of a procedure:
PP: The number of tax points for each procedure of treatment for private patients.
TPW: Tax point value for private patients
PP x TPW = Costs in Swiss francs
Costs of the position 4000 with PP: max. 24 x 5,40 = 129.6
Date Quantity Rate PP Description
12.03.2005 1 4000 18-24 Diagnostic report for new patient
If I have gum loss, do I have then Periodontitis?
Gum recession
Gum recession is not always caused by periodontitis. Sometimes other causes can lead to a recession, such as:
- morphologic-anatomical conditions
- brushing too hard (horizontal movements)
- tension caused by lip and cheek ligaments
- orthodontic treatments
- too frequent deep scaling and root planning
- There will not be any loss of teeth because of gum (gingival) recession!
- In addition, gum recession can have other causes:
- local, chronic inflammations
- the course of aging deteriorates the periodontium…
(oral cavity structures: bone, gingiva) - receeding gums in the process of an untreated parodontitis
- Status after periodontal treatment
At what age, do I need to send my kids to the DH?
kids to the DH?
It does not harm a child in any way to visit the dental hygienist as early as around the age of 2 – of course accompanied by a parent – to “count the teeth” and to grab a small gift afterwards.
In addition, it will not harm the child to let its teeth be polished by the "nice aunt" with the "rubber toothbrush".
Bringing your small child with you to the DH allows him/her to get to know the DH, dentist, instruments and surroundings so that he / she will not be so frightened. At this session plaque and tarter can be removed and an examination for tooth decay can be made.
I would like to leave the answer to you, when and how often you want your child to see the dental hygienist. For sure better early, than too late!
Which electric toothbrush is the correct one for me?
Electric toothbrush
There is a difference between electric toothbrushes which rotate or oscillate and sonic toothbrushes. In order to find the most suitable brush for you, please ask your dentist or dental hygienist.
Sonic toothbrushes are suitable for patients with sensitive dentin, gum loss and stains. Rotating or oscillating toothbrushes are recommended for patients who do not have recession, sensitive dentin or stains .`ll find more information in the cleaning product section
Does bleaching harm the teeth?
Beyond a person's baseline tooth shade, it seems to be a fact of life that as years pass our teeth tend to absorb discoloration and stain. The degree to which a person's teeth will darken can often be related to the amount of repeated exposure they have had to "chromogenic agents". Tea, coffee, colas, and red wine are each known to have a discoloring effect on teeth…not to mention smoking!!
Using a home bleaching system with a 10% carbamide peroxide gel can usually be expected to make at least some improvement in a lighter shade of teeth found in all of the categories discussed above; however certain types of tooth darkness will be more resistant to whitening than others. Additionally, the results a person is able to obtain, and the time it takes to achieve them, will be dependent on their degree of compliance with their dentist's instructions.
Adverse effects associated with the home bleaching system may develop when it is used inappropriately. This includes the "over use" of the treatment and using inappropriate teeth whiteners.
For more information see: Zahnkosmetik und Bleaching
Does the insurance take care over the costs for dental hygiene?
Some health insurances reimburse dental hygiene treatments and radiographs.
A dental insurance usually covers the costs of preventive treatments, orthodontics and periodontal treatments. The insurance also does a partial reimbursement for the costs of artificial dentures.
The periodontal treatment, however, must be performed by a dentist so that the costs are credited by the insurance.
Please contact your health insurance company before the DH meeting to inquire which contributions are made by your insurance.