Porcelain veneers, often alternatively termed dental veneers or dental porcelain laminates, are wafer-thin shells of porcelain which are bonded onto the front side of teeth to make a cosmetic improvement in their appearance. Porcelain veneers are routinely used to idealize teeth that are discolored, worn, chipped, or misaligned.
duration: ca. 15 years
price: ca. 1200 - 2000 CHF / tooth
Tooth Jewelry
If you want to make an oral fashion statement, there are safe ways to do it. One is to use "Twinkles" – decorative jewelry that is bonded to teeth by the dentist in the same way as orthodontic brackets. They can be left in place for years if desired, but are removable and do not damage the tooth.
Toothcaps are caps, which are mostly placed over the upper front teeth. They are mostly common in the American Rap scene. Caution! Carrying and removing the toothcaps can lead to substantial damage to teeth and gums.
The use of "tooth jewelry" can be placed on a tooth without cutting into the natural tooth structure. Costume "diamonds" or real diamonds can be placed on the tooth surface. The cut glass of costume diamonds have a flat base and a real diamond needs to be wide and flat, NOT thick.
Invisalign® can help you get the great smile you've always wanted because it's...
- Invisible, so no one can tell you're straightening your teeth. So now you can smile more during treatment as well as after.
- Removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment, plus brushing and flossing is no problem.
- a Method for invisible teeth-correction.
- Comfortable, because it has no metal to cause mouth abrasions during treatment. And no metal and wires usually means you spend less time in your doctor's office getting adjustments.
Invisalign® also allows you to view your own virtual treatment plan when you start, so you can see how your straight teeth will look when your treatment is complete.
Orthodontists say: "It is a very good additional tool....but there are many oral problems it can not handle and it certainly does not replace braces."
Click here to find out if there is a certified dentist in your neighborhood.
Oral piercing
If you are considering piercing your tongue, lip or cheek, consider these facts first:
This procedure can present considerable dental and medical risks. The dental dangers may be directly related to the size of the piercing and the length of time worn.
Procedure-related risks:
Infection: is a possibility with any opening in skin or oral tissues. Since the mouth is teeming with bacteria, oral piercing carries a high potential for infection at the site of the piercing. Handling the jewelry once it has been placed increases the chances of developing an infection.
Prolonged bleeding: can occur when damage is done to the tongue's blood vessels.
Swelling and possible nerve damage: Swelling is a common symptom experienced after oral piercing. Since the tongue is in constant motion it can slow and complicate the healing process. It has been reported that some swelling due to tongue piercing have been serious enough to block the airway.
Blood borne disease transmission: of hepatitis B, C, D and G, and syphilis. Tetanus and tuberculosis are also a risk. The Institutes of Health has identified piercing as a possible route for the transmission of hepatitis.
Blood poisoning, toxic shock, septicemia, tetanus, AIDS, staph infections and sexually transmissible diseases can be associated with oral piercing.
chewing gum
White-chewing gum Popular and inexpensive. Whether or not a visible difference is seen is debatable.
Using a whitening-chewing gum alone will not make the teeth whiter.
Cost: between 2 and 4 Francs.
Have abrasive particles.
Disadvantage: high abrasiveness (RDA>80)
Effectiveness: debatable
Cost: between 4 to 20 CHF
This technique utilizes a plastic tray which is filled with bleaching gel and then placed over your teeth. The tray is worn several hours a day for several weeks while the effects of the tooth whitening process take place. The custom-fitted try ensures a perfect fit for patient teeth that optimizes bleach exposure and lessens the chance of leakage that can lead to serious sensitivity or oral tissues damage. Thus these products are usually quit safe under dentist-supervised at home bleaching which is also the most effective and most cost-effective method today. The only time these products are unsafe is if they are used inappropriately, abused or used with additional products.
Duration of treatment: ca 2 weeks
Lasting effects: depending on the habits of the patient. Around 2 -3 years.
Costs: ca 400.- CHF/ for top teeth or bottom teeth.
In office/Power-Bleaching: in office (Zoom, Brite Smile)
In-office teeth whitening: Professional teeth whitening performed by a dentist or hygienist in their office can sometimes be the best choice for those people who need immediate teeth whitening results. In just an hour or two of appointment time a professional applies the strong bleaching compound, activates it with a light or a laser, and that's it. Your smile shows whitening results the same day of your very first bleaching treatment.
Duration of treatment: ca 2 hours
Lasting effect: depending on the habits of the patient. Around 1 -2 years.
costs: between 600.- and 1000.- CHF
Do-it-your-self products
There are many different bleaching methods sold in pharmacies and drugstores, which function with hydrogen peroxide, for example whitening strips. The bleaching gel has a weaker proportion of hydrogen peroxide, which means the desired bleaching results takes longer. There are also bleaching varnishes which are painted directly on the teeth.
Note: wrong application of varnishes or whitening strips can cause gum irritations. Medical control is missing!!
Lasting effects: none or very little change – or irregular whitening.
costs: ca 30.- CHF